Together, with the help of Obi-wan, Ventress, space pirates, and bounty hunters they work to expose Palpatine, changing the course of Galactic history. After Tup, fellow Clone trooper and one of Fives' friend and brothers-in-arms, suddenly turned on his Jedi general and killed her, he was taken back to Kamino to find out exactly what was wrong with him. If a member of the Jedi Council killed the Chancellor, and then the Council tried to take power, wouldn’t it confirm people’s worst fears about the Jedi. "It would be a pleasure," Palpatine muttered, his wicked grin growing all the more larger. The Sith Lord spun ahead, directing his attacks on Mace, being the weaker of the opponents, having drained himself in battle. Every one of them knows it in her heart, in his gut, in its very bones--Without Palpatine, the Republic will fall. CT-5555 (short for CT-27-5555), and later referred to as ARC-5555, was an Advanced Recon Commando who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. What if Anakin hadn't severed Mace Windu's hand and Windu had killed Palpatine? Even the rumor of his disappearance strikes a dagger to the heart of every friend of the Republic. Anakin held his blue lightsaber towards the Chancellor’s neck, wondering should he kill this man who caused so much pain and suffering throughout the Clone Wars and before then as well? It was a few minutes after the dreaded incident at the lower levels of Courascaunt where the Courscaunt Guard killed the loyal ARC Clone Trooper Fives of the 501st Batallion after he resisted arrest for attempting to murder Chancellor Palpatine when, in reality, the latter attacked him. Watching Fives get killed is hard, but seeing the anguish in Captain Rex’s eyes as his friend dies, seemingly gripped by madness, is even worse. Palpatine is more than respected. Here’s the thing, when Windu and the other 3 jedi confront Palpatine, Palpatine records their attempt to arrest him/kill him. The moment Palpatine struck, Mace realized that the … What could stop Anakin from saving the only man he thought could save his wife from death? Palpatine framed Fives for an assassination attempt, discrediting the clone and causing the Jedi and fellow clones to pursue Fives. Tup's malfunctioning chip made him turn earlier than planned. Explore the consequences of Anakin's marriage to Padme, Anakin's dishonesty and killing Palpatine. And soon, everything Fives fought for is undone by one last lie from Palpatine’s lips blaming a parasite for the malfunction that cause first Tup and then Fives to go insane. While Palpatine had manipulated the Senate and the galaxy, he was still the democratically elected leader of the Republic. Fives worked out that the Kaminoans, Count Dooku and even Chancellor Palpatine were in on the plan. He is loved. Soon, Fives realized that the chips would make all Clones turn on the Jedi and the Republic. However, Fives wouldn't live to see the end of the series. Fives became the star of the opening story arc of Season 6. Due to his clone designation, he was given the nickname "Fives." Only Fives knows the truth about Order 66 and Palpatine. Let’s assume the initial attack of Order 66 fails. Instead of going to Rex and Anakin with the information, he goes to the only other individual he can trust: Ahsoka Tano. Originally a clone cadet during the early phase of the pan-galactic conflict between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems, Fives …