Japanese Greetings On this page you will find all of the basic Japanese Greetings that you need to know when you learning Japanese. The longer and deeper the bow, the more respect shown. ), All you have to do is fill your name in the blank. Instead, say おやすみ-!. My wife and kids were in the backseat watching a movie on the iPad. These expressions or seasonal greetings can be combined in a variety of ways to form the preliminary greeting. Greetings are said to be very important part of Japanese culture. Japanese is a very detailed language and the standard “hello” may not be appropriate for every interaction. The only difference is kotoba is used to express the plural form “words” … So you don’t need to follow it up with their name, but you still can. When in doubt, use this phrase. You usually wouldn’t ask someone you saw yesterday, “How are you today?” in Japanese. Audio files provide guidance on pronouncing the various phrases. Greetings like “good morning” or “good afternoon” are incredibly important in Japanese. These 21 greetings are perfect for Japanese beginners and those traveling to Japan. Having a good command of Japanese greetings is the first step towards building smooth relationships in Japan. The word genki means “energy” or “healthy,” so you’re asking “Are you healthy?”. Sometimes a bow is coupled with a Western-style handshake — doing both at the same time can be awkward! Follow both replies with arigato (pronounced: "ar-ee-gah-toh"), which means “thanks.” Say arigato! Choose from 500 different sets of vocabulary phrases japanese greetings flashcards on Quizlet. Girls don’t typically say this (although I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t my favorite informal greeting. Good morning in Japanese and other relevant greetings Good morning in Japanese – Ohayō gozaimasu (おはよう ございます) is the best choice for greeting someone in the early morning hours (before 10:00 a.m.). Now, 挨拶 (aisatsu) means “greeting” in Japanese. You would follow it with your friend’s name. How would you say Merry Christmas in Japanese? Now, 挨拶 (aisatsu) means “greeting” in Japanese.And you’ll need to know your Japanese greetings if you want to start a conversation in Japanese! Here’s an example: あー、すずきさん。久しぶりですね。元気だった? (Aa-, Suzuki-san. But konnichiwa isn’t how you would normally greet someone, especially if they’re close to you. Japanese drinking etiquette is a study all of its own, but here are the two most important things to know: How to Say Hello in 10 Different Asian Languages. Broadening your vocabulary will only improve your Japanese fluency. The word aisatsu (挨拶) means “greeting” in Japanese, however, it’s more than just “hello.” In many western cultures, greetings are saying hello, smiling or a slight nod to people you know. The most formal bow to show apology or extreme respect requires bending to around 45 degrees, where you are looking completely at your shoes. Konnichiwa is utilized as a respectful-yet-generic way to say hello to pretty much anyone, friend or otherwise. Those small (and big!) It means “I’m sorry to bother you.” The host would welcome you by saying どうぞ (douzo), or “please, after you,” “come in,” or “go ahead.”. In the evening, greet others by saying こんばんは. If you're in a tight space or standing close after shaking hands, turn slightly to the left so that you don't bump heads. Exactly the same as English. おす is a masculine, slang way to greet other guys. Regardless, to show respect, you must do something to acknowledge someone's bow. You’ll be greeted in return with お帰り (Okaeri) which literally means “You've returned” but translates better as “Welcome back.” If you’re returning to the office from a business trip or out-of-the-office meeting, you might be greeted instead with お疲れ様 (otsukaresama) or just お疲れ (otsukare). That’s the goal, isn’t it? Well, not a crush exactly. Greetings are often words that break the ice between distant acquaintances caused by long periods of time. You can then ask anatawa? Konnichiwa (pronounced: “kon-nee-chee-wah”) is the basic way to say hello in Japanese; however, it is mostly heard in the afternoon. Whether you are coming for a short trip or for a few years, learning how to greet people with confidence in Japanese is the key to leave good impressions. If you want to sound more natural, don’t forget to use time specific greetings. Greetings are said to be very important part of Japanese culture. If you are going to visit Japan for the first time of your life, this is a thing you should care about seriously. There are many different greeting, from formal to casual. Before scrolling to the Japanese business greetings and phrases at the bottom of this page, you might want to spend a couple of minutes understanding why you don’t need to become a walking dictionary of Japanese business greetings or phrases to succeed doing business in Japan. He could barely talk. Real good. The “o” at the beginning adds respect, and the “ne” at the end means “huh” or “right?” Both can be dropped, to make it a less formal statement. Japanese speakers greet each other in many different ways depending on the time of day and the social context. Let’s start with the most common ways to say hi in Japanese. The first list contains several ways to say hello, the second list contains several ways to say goodbye, and the third list provides Unlike in English, you don’t ask someone this phrase often. In this article you will discover 40 ways to say hi or hello in Japanese. Hello Junkie! Although knowing how to say hello in Japanese is mostly straightforward, the ins and outs of bowing can be bewildering at first to Westerners. Here are some things to note when greeting your Japanese friends. Learn Japanese greeting phrases which are used in everyday life. It can be a bit rude or harsh, so you’d only use this with people close to you. Keep your back straight, and bend at the waist with your eyes downward. I believe German is a good choice for a foreign language for many reasons. If you want more lessons on Japanese salutations then I recommend that you check out the following: Using polite Japanese words will help in your travels. Suzuki-chan, kyou ii tenki desu ne.) Greetings in Japanese and bowing etiquette are all a part of a complex system that applies the rules of saving face. The "u" at the end of desu is silent. We were about seven hours into a nine-hour-drive back from vacation. 19 different Japanese greetings! It’s thrown around a lot in Japanese culture and literally just means “long time.” Sample sentence: 久しぶり、どこ行ってたの?(ひさしぶり、どこ いってた の? If you haven’t seen someone for a while (three weeks or longer) you can say お久しぶりですね。This means, “It’s been a while, huh?” or “Long time no see!” You can say this to anyone, from a friend to someone in the workplace. Jamming someone's card into your back pocket is a serious no-no in Japanese business etiquette. This year, again, please look after me.” To close friends, you shorten it to あけおめ!今年もよろしく (Akeome! Learning a few words of the local language is always a great way to better connect with a place. Suzuki-chan, nice weather today, huh.”, You could even omit the exclamation and only greet someone with their name to say “hi.”. The English equivalent could be "Mr." or "Mrs. / Ms.". For many learners, “konnichiwa” is their very first word. It also means “good afternoon” in Japanese, and so you would really only use it in the afternoon. The formal and polite way to ask “how are you doing?” in Japanese is with o-genki desu ka? Know How and When to Bow in Japan Before You Go, A Step-by-Step Guide to Japanese Table Manners and Chopstick Etiquette, How to Say Hello and Greet People in Bahasa Indonesia, Here's How to Extend a Few Pleasantries in the Greek Language, Learning to Say Hello in Vietnamese Is Easier Than You Think, How to Bow Properly During Your Trip to Japan, Learn These Useful Thai Phrases for a Better Experience in Thailand, Learn How to Get by With These Common Tahitian Phrases, Here Are Some Basic Greetings to Learn Before Your Trip to Malaysia, 12 Phrases to Know for Your Trip to Greece. When you arrive at someone else’s home, you greet them with お邪魔します (Ojama shimasu). It's important to know who you're speaking to in Japanese… It’s mainly used in semi-formal situations, like in an office space. It’s a more feminine greeting, but don’t worry boys — your greeting is next. I couldn’t hear anything, so I put in my earbuds and turned on Radio Ambulante (one of my favorite podcasts; it’s kind of [...], I took a friend of mine to my yoga studio last week. Let’s learn to say “hello” in Japanese and more with these essential Japanese greetings. Listen to the link below to hear some informal Japanese greetings… Greetings are some of the most simple phrases to learn, and you’ll say them all the time. “Konban wa” means “good evening,” and you can use this greeting in Japanese to say “hello” at night. To learn how to bow when you say "Hello" in Japanese, scroll down! Fluent in 3 months - Language Hacking and Travel Tips. To greet is ‘Aisatsu suru (あいさつする)’. It means both “How are you?” and “How’s it going?” But it’s more formal and used to ask a higher-status individual how something specific is going. This list of Japanese phrases will get you closer to speaking in complete sentences. お仕事はいかがですか。(O-shigoto wa ikaga desu ka) In a formal greeting, sometimes bows are exchanged over and over; you may wonder when it's safe to not return the last bow! When you say “hello” on the phone, you say もしもし with a raised inflection to say “Hello?” It comes from the verb 申す (mousu), the humble version of “to say.” However, you would only use moshi moshi when answering a phone call from a friend or family member. Take some time to go Below is a brief Adding "-san" to the end of a name (first or last) is typically acceptable for any gender in both formal and informal situations, assuming someone is roughly your equal in age and status. But, the daily greetings are simple. It’s a polite and formal way to say “good evening.” You can use this with most anyone, but it’s definitely more common to greet friends and family with an informal greeting on this list instead. The “o” here is to show respect, and “ka” is the question particle. And [...], When you look back over your life, what stands out? Alternatively, you can just say genki desu (pronounced: gain-kee des). Genki datta?) THIS is how I learn a language in 3 months. Japanese Greetings to Say Hello in Japanese First, know that even though hello is a common greeting in English, there isn’t really an exact translation in the Japanese language. But watashi no (“my”) isn’t needed because it’s understood in context. Another way to ask how someone is doing is to say いかがですか (Ikaga desu ka). Wondering how to say hello in Japanese? But don't expect words you've learned to sound the exact same in different parts of the country! You would normally follow it by giving your name, and then saying よろしくお願いします (Yoroshiku onegaishimau). Confession: I have a crush on a Japanese man. Always bow deeper to elders and people in positions of authority. This is also usually translated as “nice to meet you” but it has many, many uses in Japanese. おはようございます ohayoo gozaimasu But at night and when going to bed, you say おやすみなさい. As the Japanese culture is more formal, going through the ritual of greeting another … 13. Konnichiwa – Hello, Good Afternoon (formal) Konnichiwa (こんにちは) is the most basic Japanese greeting and means “hello” or “good afternoon” in English. Here are some things to note when greeting your Japanese friends. Words are spoken with different pitches depending upon the region. In the spirit of the season, you’re going to learn the Top 10 Japanese Holiday Phrases! successes that lead us to the bigger triumphs. Want to say hello in Japanese? So I decided to put something together on my own so that I could feel more confident engaging in language exchanges. with enthusiasm and like you mean it. If you are going to visit Japan for the first time of your life, this is a thing you should care about seriously. Here are some commonly used Japanese business phrases you are bound to encounter while working in Japan. Here’s the rub: by focusing on success, we gloss over our failures. Kotoshi mo yoroshiku). Hisashiburi desu ne. In fact, the best language learners [...], You’ve decided you want to learn German. There are many Japanese greetings based on the time and situation. How have you been?”. It's a formal way to greet someone so you would use it when saying hello to your boss in the morning. In Japanese Greetings are called ‘Aisatsu(あいさつ)’. To reply politely that you are doing fine, use watashi wa genki desu (pronounced: wah-tah-shee wah gain-kee des). And guys wouldn’t say it to girls. Receive the card with both hands, hold at the corners, read it carefully, and treat it with the utmost respect! Since “Hello” is such a ridiculously common word in any language, it’s no surprise that there is a plethora of articles and sites talking about it. In Japan, greetings are given great importance. This is a very casual greeting, usually between young kids or close friends. Now, learn your core Japanese words to expand your vocabulary! This page contains three Japanese greetings lists, each translated with the English first to Japanese. So when you see people after the new year, you’re wishing them “Happy New Year! ohayo gozaimasu Good afternoon. even if they are strangers to you. It can also be used as “Yes, sir!” or a “Roger!” Some anime use this, but it’s not common in everyday speech. When traveling in Japan, the words and phrases you’ll use most frequently will be the common Japan greetings (gashi). That's why it is still written in hiragana as ha. The greetings that we will see below are used in everyday life when meeting a person. Konnichiwa (koh-nee-chee-wah) is the most common way to say "hello" in Japanese, and is considered an all-purpose greeting. We introduced common phrases in That’s good. When in doubt, 30 degrees is a safe angle to bow at for almost everyone. こんにちは is “hello” in Japanese, but it’s not used as often as you would think. こんにちは (konnichiwa) Meaning: Hello / Good afternoon. こんにちは is somewhat formal so it would sound a bit awkward to say it to a friend. It’s like yelling “Yoohoo!” and waving for attention. While it is absolutely okay to use konnichiwa as a basic greeting, it is important to keep in mind that Japanese people usually use different greetings based on the time of day. You will use these phrases often when you first meet your Japanese friends or when you travel to Japan. Japanese is full of simple phrases to start out a conversation. 8 Must-Know Japanese Greetings When you meet someone for the first time, you tend to start out with a greeting like “Hello” or pleasantries like “It’s nice to meet you,” right? Today we’re going to focus on common Japanese greetings across the various levels of formality. When you met someone in the hallway or on the stairs You need to do “Eshaku”, which is one of the bowing ways in Japan. Like their job, or school. Have fun with thes… Japan is an ancient country with more than 47 provinces, each with its own culture and dialect. Men bow with their arms straight, hands at their sides or along the legs, fingers straight. Learn japanese greetings with free interactive flashcards. (greeting) konbanwa Hello, my name is John. The most common ways to greet someone in Japan are: Konnichiwa (Hi; Good afternoon.) How can a long term traveller have a girlfriend? In current Japanese dialogue, Konnichiwa or Konbanwa are fixed greetings. She blogs about fitness and sustainability at, Ever since my viral post about the 29 life lessons learned in travelling the world for 8 years (over 2 years ago), I've started to get more and more questions about finding love on the road. Hey! I’m guessing it’s your achievements. Unconventional language hacking tips from Benny the Irish polyglot; travelling the world to learn languages to fluency and beyond! If your eyes met theirs, it might be a good time to use these. The structure is the same as that of “ konnichi wa ,” the only difference is the use of 晩 ( ban ) for “evening” in place of 日 ( nichi ) for “day.” Below are some examples of basic Japanese greetings and phrases using hiragana when I first learned Japanese: 1. Learn Japanese greetings with free audio flash cards and the Lingo Dingo review game. For example, as with other common greetings, how you say "good morning" in Japanese depends on your relationship with the person you are addressing. By the way, if you’re wondering “How do you say ‘words’ in Japanese,” it’s 単語 (tango) or 言葉 (kotoba). When you meet someone for the first time, you can start off by saying はじめまして. Aren’t those important, too? Useful Japanese phrases A collection of useful phrases in Japanese with sound files for some of them. Just as you probably wouldn't offer a casual “hey man, what's up?” to your boss or an elderly person, Japanese greetings come in varying levels of formality depending on the amount of respect you wish to demonstrate. A bow to strangers or to thank someone would go to around 30 degrees. And you’ll need to know your Japanese greetings if you want to start a conversation in Japanese! Basic Japanese Greetings and How to Bow Properly. But if it’s been a while, it’s common to put the phrase in the past tense and ask 元気だった? (Genki datta, “How have you been?”) To simplify it further, you could only say “Genki?” and raise the inflection on the last syllable. In the mornings, you can greet people with おはようございます. There are a few informal ways to ask the same question: An informal, casual reply to a friend could be aikawarazu desu (pronounced: "eye-kah-wah-raz des") or “same as usual.” The cool kids love this one. (pronounced: "ahn-nah-taw-wah") which means “and you?”. Answering your phone in Japanese also has its own greeting! In this post you’ll find a short selection of the 100+ conversational phrases and words in Japanese I have available as part of a downloadable PDF that you can get by entering your email in the box below. JapanesePod101: Absolute Beginner, Lesson 01 – “Say Hello in Japanese … It can also be shortened to “yoroshiku” to be less formal. Using konnichiwa in the morning or evening might be seen as a little strange. Holidays and special occasions such as birthdays have their own set of greetings. That’s it for today’s lesson. I think failure is really important. Probably the first Japanese phrase that you will learn is こんにちは (konnichiwa). Konnichiwa is a standard greeting that can be used throughout the whole of Japan and with all speakers of Japanese. Wake of broken hearts behind some examples of basic Japanese greetings is the first means “my is! Store guests even strangers ” in Japanese, and is considered rude time, can... 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