Traditionally, this is one of the most common medical school interview questions. Updated: 12/21/2018. You'll be opening yourself up to the interviewers and that can feel vulnerable in general, let alone to someone you don't know, so make sure you feel comfortable and confident to tell them what makes you you, as well as where your passions, dreams, and aspirations lie. What are you looking for in a program? What is the purpose of the “tell me about yourself” residency interview question? For your interview answers, ideally choose examples which took you outside of the normal scope of your work. All rights reserved. There are two critical reasons storytelling is beneficial during job interviews. Answering “tell me about yourself” requires much more depth and should give the interviewers insight into who you are as a person while highlighting your drive and dedication for a career in medicine. What is your favorite book/meal/activity etc.? That's all. Here it is guys, we wanted to share with you guys the most common, and MOST IMPORTANT residency interview question. /*
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