5,044 Likes, 25 Comments - Tyson Yoshi (@tysonyoshi) on Instagram: “B R O ⁣ ⁣ @ericcyc_” Interview @hkranking 【THE GENZ】 feat. Thanks for watching my cover of "Sugar" by Brockhampton with Tyson & Madboii. Lewsz, 1,739 Shazams. Tyson Granger, protagonist from the anime series Beyblade; Tyson, a rival of Ash Ketchum in the anime series Pokémon: Advanced Battle; Tyson the Cyclops, fictional character in the Percy Jackson & … Chris Gillett. He is an independent artist and was formerly part of the Hip Hop and R&B label Greytone Music (灰階音樂). Listen to Crush On by 李浩瑋, 14,191 Shazams, featuring on Mandopop Love Songs, and Mandopop Replay Apple Music playlists. In July 2019, he released "Christy", which was his first song that surpassed 1 million views on Youtube. In July 2019, he released "Christy", which was his first song that surpassed 1 million views on Youtube. 除了在影片露面,Jeannie亦曾出演香港Rapper「Tyson Yoshi」的MV《Something》,其中的形象非常女神,令人驚艷。 Jeannie目前年僅22歲,在社群平台上已擁有超過1.5萬名粉絲,不少照片都能看出她可愛又鄰家女孩的一面。 Hong Kong hip hop artist Tyson Yoshi goes his own way 2:11am, 10 Nov, 2019. Listen to W.R.U.N by Tiab Feat. Tyson Yoshi (Chinese: 程浚彥; born July 17, 1994) is a Hong Kong rapper, singer, and songwriter. By using our website and our services, ... She Said, Pt. Tyson Yoshi(本名程浚彥,1994年7月17日 - ),香港男饒舌者、歌手和詞曲作家,曾為地下音樂廠牌Greytone Music旗下藝人 ,2018年以《TO MY QUEEN》一曲出道。 ⁣ ⁣ 1st Jan 2021⁣ "STRESSED OUT" Official Music Video ⁣ STRESSED OUT MV 星期五晚上9點⁣⁣ Friday Night 9pm YouTube⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Drop me some Tyson Yoshi, Category: Artist, Albums: 1st, Singles: Something, Fly, 忘記你, Growing Up, She Said, Pt. 旗下藝人. With his weaponry, he moved back. The gods gave Tyson a hand crafted light blade called the "Yoshi blade." Thanks for watching my cover of \"Sugar\" by Brockhampton with Tyson \u0026 Madboii. Instagram; Youtube; To My Queen Tyson Yoshi. LINE購物即時幫你開箱:的熱門話題。【 Yoshi 】日本小潮童進化史 潮牌穿搭和名人集郵變全能音樂人、宛如混血娃娃的「泰版徐嬌」Yoshi 大眼粉唇膚色白皙的她竟是男兒身!、OFF-WHITE 主理人是他朋友!你必須認識日本最年輕的時尚 icon YOSHI Fill the pages up with memories still to come Let's write a love story. 各位除夕快樂 ️ 明天9PM!! JB He is an independent artist and was formerly part of the Hip Hop and R&B label Greytone Music (灰階音樂). I'm posting videos weekly on my Instagram now (sometimes … 64k Followers, 667 Following, 804 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Tyson Yoshi (@tysonyoshi) Full Story: Hkranking.tv. 2429 Followers. 2,592 Likes, 0 Comments - Tyson Yoshi (@tysonyoshi) on Instagram: “” Tyson Yoshi (born 1994), Hong Kong rapper and hip hop artist; Fictional characters. Producer: Kenneth Kco Photographer: Sean Leung Creative: Klaw Stylist: Kco Text: Yvonne Make up: Carmen C Make up @carmencmakeup_cc Hair: Jim Tse Hair @jimtsehair Assistant: Tilex (上集:【專訪】一個鍾意廣東話的菲律賓 rapper JB:我哋好唔同,但一樣咁靚), 嘗試在主流以外開闢新路的,不止菲律賓裔 rapper JB 一個。還有他的一班手足。, 很多人認識李礎業(Keni),因為他 2012 年曾參加 TVB《超級巨聲》第三季節目,一路過關斬將,獲得第五名。賽後跟吳業坤、胡鴻鈞、林欣彤等《巨聲》選手一樣,簽約成為 TVB 旗下藝人,打算大展拳腳。, 結果他在大台做過音樂節目主持,拍過劇集(因為一頭金髮,飾演的角色不是馬伕就是酒保),有無唱過歌?或許算有 — 他曾獲安排主唱卡通片《武侍戰隊》主題曲,2012 年贏得某電台的「勁爆兒歌」獎項。, 這段經歷,令 Keni 明白了何謂「主流」:「作曲作詞編曲,全部不是由歌手自己做。一個歌手牽涉到的只有唱,將首歌表達出來。分分鐘連是否唱那首歌,都無主導權。MV,更加不用想,肯定由公司安排,成件事是公司餵你做。」正職做設計師的他以繪畫為例,「他們(主流歌手)係填顏色,連選擇顏色的餘地都無。」, Keni 又舉例:「好似星夢(TVB 的唱片公司),歌手 A 的歌,可以畀歌手 B 唱,出來的產品是一樣的,你明唔明?」他指住身邊的 JB,大笑:「但佢的歌…我唱《潮共》係唔得架喎!」, 多年後 Keni 與音樂人 Jimmy Fung、菲律賓裔 rapper JB 成立音樂單位 Greytone,正正希望,在「餵埋你食」的主流以外,闢出一條獨立自主的新路。, 「我們的歌不能調轉唱,每個人只可做自己做的事,件事是自己生產,表達個人情感…我們的音樂,有我們的精神在裡面。」, Greytone 是 Keni、Jimmy Fung 和 JB 於 2018 年成立的音樂平台。Keni 解釋以 Greytone 為名的原因:「我們做的音樂,未去到好 hardcore、好地下,但又不是好主流、大家會聽的音樂。」非黑非白,一半一半。你話我們是純藝術又不是,純賺錢又不是,一半一半。所有嘢都在灰色地帶。」, Greytone 至今有五個音樂風格迥異的 artist,除了 JB 和 Keni 自己,還有 Tyson Yoshi、Madboii、Mael,都是廿多歲的後生仔。, Jimmy Fung 卻是例外。他不是台前的 artist,而是主力幕後的音樂監製。2013 年跟盧祝君以組合 Fabel 身分入行,這幾年來一直為陳奕迅、林欣彤、Supper Moment等歌手、樂隊作曲、編曲,對主流樂壇的運作,算有一點認識。, 「你睇到主流有一個制度,基本上是所有唱片公司、電台媒體,一齊建立出來。」例如每年樂壇頒獎禮,大公司總會安排歌手做歌,「就是為了 fulfill 商業上嘅嘢,無話對錯,都是商業運作的方式,每一行都是這樣。」, Jimmy Fung 坦言,自己入行,只想做自己喜歡的音樂。「我們這些做音樂的,其實不太 care 個制度做乜,只想做我的東西。」問題是身處制度之中的歌手,其實不太能發揮所長 — 除非你是成名已久、擁有話事權的人。「我們想多些人聽到我們的歌時,淨係呢個制度做音樂,其實唔夠。」, 碰巧在某次吳業坤的生日派對上認識了 Keni,抱負接近,一拍即合,便開始合作。數年後兩人索性與 JB 創立 Greytone,希望在獨立圈子闢出新的空間,使自己的音樂能接觸更多受眾。, 「做呢件事期間,認識了其他音樂人,意識到不止一個制度、一個世界去玩。呢個空間對我來說好新,indie 界除了有 rock,還有 hip hop,完全不同的文化。好值得做。」Jimmy Fung 說。, 例如 Tyson Yoshi,今年 25 歲、被同伴戲稱為「Greytone 劉華」的年輕男生,正職為化妝品牌做店舖設計。他喜歡音樂,兩年前買了第一套錄音器材,打算在家翻唱一下別人的歌,卻總覺得有所缺欠,不夠爽,「因為唱極都係別人的歌。幾好聽都好,都無得擺在台面,挺起胸膛同人講:呢首係我嘅。」, 於是嘗試創作,找個 beat,自己下筆填詞,最初純粹自娛,只讓身邊朋友聽。到去年八月推出《To My Queen》,當是送給女友的作品,外間卻有點迴響,MV 在 YouTube 有近 15 萬點撃。他還把作品上載到內地的音樂網站,至今已有過千條評論,還有癡情歌迷留言:「我可以报名成为你的下一任吗?」, 復活節在 This Town Needs 的演出,除了 JB,Tyson Yoshi 也是演出嘉賓之一。他出場後,台下歌迷反應熱烈。唱完歌,下了台,不少人排隊想跟他合照。, 而對 Tyson Yoshi 來說,創作好玩,除了因為會得到名氣,受人愛戴,還因為作品往往記錄自己當刻狀態,他舉例:「如果突然有人問你,記唔記得 2018 年做過咩,你返 office 工每日過一模一樣的生活,唔會突然間記得,哦,我簽咗嗰張 quote 嘛,你唔會知。」但做音樂不同。「我會記得我當時出咗呢首歌,當時同女朋友吵架,所以出咗呢首歌。」, 他當然希望能以音樂為業。「心裡會計條數,如果做音樂賺到的錢,一 match 到現在正職的薪金,我就走。」現實使然,暫時事與願違。「唯有繼續當係興趣咁,我返份工,賺夠錢,去供養呢個興趣。」, Tyson Yoshi 的音樂風格較接近 R&B,他形容做獨立音樂,自由度很大,「尤其網路,好好的,你唔需要改變自己,淨係需要做好自己,令到別人鍾意你。當你的 fan base 夠多時,你就會成為那個浪潮。唔需要追 — 人哋玩緊呢種 style,我又玩先。唔需要,真係做自己,你的音樂、你的 appearance,都是。」, 他 16、17 歲開始玩音樂,跟許多香港人一樣,最初跟朋友夾 band,明明大家都不太懂樂器,就是圍威喂,硬著頭皮試。他拿起結他後卻發現樂趣,「鍾意結他多過讀書…未試過放學想快啲返屋企,練結他,大家通常都係打下波打下機。」, 如是者彈了幾年,年紀大了,樂隊散了,他開始嘗試接觸不同音樂風格,玩過電子音樂,又做過 hip hop,現在作曲、作詞、編曲、監製、主唱,甚麼都可以;期間又去過不同國家發展,甚至曾贏得韓國 JYP 娛樂公司作曲家製作人選拔賽外國參賽者第二名。「我自己一個人在不同國家、不同語言的地方打滾了很久,一直都沒出路。」他坦言,在香港做音樂,「搵人聽都難」,直至加入 Greytone,才慢慢摸出一條路。, 當晚在 This Town Needs 的演出,初出茅蘆的 Madboii 比較羞澀,在台上不多說話,也不太懂搞氣氛,唯有音樂響起,唱起自己創作的歌曲如《Mumble》,他才比較自在,歌迷也投入其中。, Madboii 喜歡音樂,但其實也只是一個打工仔。「大家都要返工,放工瞓覺之前得返兩三個鐘,其實已好累。但那兩三個鐘,你係因為真係鍾意音樂,先至做埋音樂、寫埋段歌詞、錄埋段音,先至瞓覺,第二日再返工。」他的目標是自己的音樂可以走得更遠,以至觸及香港以外的地方,例如內地。, Jimmy Fung 形容,幾年前獨立音樂圈子較多人玩 rock music,直至《中國有嘻哈》掀起熱潮後,「香港 indie 界的 hip hop 強得好快,好多後生仔會搵 beat,自己做創作,成為一個音樂人單位……呢幾年我覺得香港百花齊放好多。」, 問題是 hip hop 始終難入主流。「rock 都還可以,因為除了少量政治意識外,通常唔會粗口;但 hip hop 在許多人眼中叫低俗,講嘅嘢好市井。」, 你或者會問,為何要入主流?答案很簡單,音樂人都要掙錢,都要生活。Jimmy Fung 舉例,香港無論銀行、保險界的周年晚宴,又或是各大地產商的商場,都不容許有粗口的表演者。諷刺的是,「英文的(粗口),某些 F 字頭的,D 字頭的,就 OK 喎!」, 「如果沒了這個市場的話,我們的市場只有後生仔,場地也不多,對於呢樣嘢有權力、建制的人,對於粗口、反叛精神,其實都驚的。唔會有咁多地方,唔好話鼓勵,唔去控制已好好,他們盡量唔想令呢啲嘢變成主流,『教壞』其他人。」, 他認為,與廣東不少地區相比,香港的這種「潔癖」很落後。「仲係覺得粗口就係低俗,或者覺得『哦!你為了紅而講粗口』。」加上場地、機會不多,很多音樂人寧願到內地演出,起碼風氣還開放一點。「香港人不太 proud of 自己語言,這些明明是你自己平日都會講嘅嘢。」, Tyson Yoshi 大吐苦水:「因為我的歌暫時未有廣東話,好多人 instead of 聽我的歌,會尋找後面的意義,諗點解我唔出廣東話歌。」他的 Instagram 甚至試過被人 tag,然後狠批「唔尊重粵語」。他無奈,「本土不代表要排外嘛…」, Keni 深有同感。「香港是國際城市嘛,會唱普通話、英文、廣東話,其實點解淨係要唱一個語言呢?幾時變得本土文化可以 overlap 到無哂國際性?」近年每有香港音樂人出外發展,尤其是往大陸,準會背負罵名,他也看不過眼。「以前唔係咁嘛,張國榮、梅艷芳在韓國、日本出碟,大家覺得好有型。現在卻是,『點解你要離開香港?你去死啦!』我們不是應該 proud of 自己人去到其他地方咩?」, 經常在訪問中直言自己最喜歡廣東話的 JB 也為手足辯護:「大家分界分得太犀利囉,Let’s say 我咁鍾意廣東話,如果有一日我 rap 普通話的話,我也不希望覺得我變了質。」老實說,敏感的政治氣氛下,這種民情的轉向,很可能發生。「音樂無對與錯,只係你鍾唔鍾意,唔鍾意咪唔好聽囉。唔好幫人分界。」, 「你唔會見到一班菲律賓裔人士在他(JB)的 MV 下面留言鬧佢唔唱菲律賓話嘛!」Tyson Yoshi 笑說。, 「他們不會覺得我背叛自己國籍…」JB 總結,「所以好奇怪的,如果你因為人家 rap 什麼語言而替人分界,難道一個人講英文,就代表佢唔 respect 哂所有語言咩?」, 重點在於分界與否。正如 Greytone 得名的原因:他們正是樂於在灰色地帶的一班人。何謂灰色?不黑不白,沒有分界,是為灰。」, 「好多嘢都唔駛區分得咁細,不用分『我係地下』、『你係主流』,純粹都係一班人在做自己想做的事。」, 書店不止是書店:記 Rolling Books 與 URBAN SPACE 都市空間對談 @ 麻雀客棧. Tyson went in and greeted these gods. Yesterday ️⁣ ⁣ @loewe @jonathan.anderson #LOEWEtotoro #LOEWE. @levis @hkranking # Levis_HongKong. 2, Top Tracks: Christy, I Don't Give A, Pt. He makes such cute little noises in Mario Kart 8 and... Fire-snot Yoshi Please check back once the song has been released. When I woke up the next day, suddenly my Instagram was exploding with comments, and I … Mar 8, 2015 - I was dickin' around and somehow painted this. We and our partners use cookies to personalize your experience, to show you ads based on your interests, and for measurement and analytics purposes. 9,162 Likes, 13 Comments - Tyson Yoshi (@tysonyoshi) on Instagram: “” ᶜᵒᵒˡ ᵗᵃᵍˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ˢʷᵉᵉᵗ + ˢʰᵉᵉʳ ᶜᵒᵐᵇᵒ Where are you now 空氣中還留著熟悉的味道 這故事是否已經畫上了句號 追逐著你的身影記住你的名 這已經不是秘密留著你的心 Where are you now 空氣中還留著熟悉的味道 這故事是否已經畫上句號 追逐著你的身影記住你的名 這已經不是秘密留著你的心 再也 … 灰階音樂(Greytone Music)是一家香港獨立唱片廠牌及音樂出版公司,由KENI、Jimmy Fung和JB共同創立 。 成立初期主要以音樂頻道為主,透過平台分享音樂讓聽眾和音樂人有一個交集點 。 廠牌的音樂風格廣泛,包括嘻哈,R&B,電子音樂等 。. My Instagram: @tstmidor Check out my K-Pop Playlist too ! Tyson Yoshi 大吐苦水:「因為我的歌暫時未有廣東話,好多人 instead of 聽我的歌,會尋找後面的意義,諗點解我唔出廣東話歌。」他的 Instagram 甚至試過被人 tag,然後狠批「唔尊重粵語」。他無奈,「本土不代表要排外嘛…」 Keni 深有同感。 He comes to find out he was born with the legendary Element soul and was a what they call "Element 6." Lyrics for this song have yet to be released. TYSON YOSHI. If I wrote a story Would you live it with me? Fire-snot Yoshi gonna getcha! Stream Tracks and Playlists from Tyson Yoshi on your desktop or mobile device. 【THE GENZ】 feat. He released his first official song “TO MY QUEEN” in 2018. TYSON YOSHI Full Story: Hkra... nking.tv @levis @hkranking # Levis_HongKong Producer: Kenneth Kco Photographer: Sean Leung Creative: Klaw Stylist: Kco Text: Yvonne Make up: Carmen C Make up @carmencmakeup_cc Hair: Jim Tse … To My Queen Lyrics. I'm posting videos weekly on my Instagram now (sometimes here on Youtube too) so make sure y'all follow me over there!Instrumental produced by Madboii.Follow Ak Benjamin:Instagram: @ak.benjaminhttps://instagram.com/ak.benjaminYoutube:https://youtube.com/akbenjamin?sub_co...For business:akbenjaminbusiness@gmail.comFollow Tyson Yoshi:Instagram: @tysonyoshihttps://instagram.com/tysonyoshiFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/tysonxyoshi/Follow Madboii:Instagram: @_madboii https://instagram.com/_madboiiFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/madboii.official Produced by Tyson Yoshi. Listen to Tyson Yoshi | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds you create.. 7 Tracks. He released his first official song “TO MY QUEEN” in 2018. 346 Followers, 320 Following, 231 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Holly Yoshio (@tyson_holly_yoshi) Tyson was then granted a scar that was worn by the godlike being himself, Yynti. Tyson Yoshi (Chinese: 程浚彥; born July 17, 1994) is a Hong Kong rapper, singer, and songwriter. Find out he was born with the legendary Element soul and was a what they call `` Element 6 ''!, Hong Kong rapper and Hip Hop and R & B label Greytone Music 灰階音樂... Back once the song has been released by Brockhampton with Tyson \u0026 Madboii QUEEN Tyson Yoshi on your or. Tyson \u0026 Madboii Fictional characters Replay Apple Music Playlists MY QUEEN ” in 2018,! Let 's write a Love story blade called the `` Yoshi blade.,... She Said Pt... Around and somehow painted this with the legendary Element soul and was what! Born with the legendary Element soul and was a what they call `` Element.... Been released still to come Let 's write a Love story: Christy, I Do n't Give a Pt... Element soul and was a what they call `` Element 6. ( born 1994 ), Hong rapper... `` Yoshi blade. I Do n't Give a, Pt Love,... Once the song has been released with memories still to come Let 's a! 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Call `` Element 6. 1994 ), Hong Kong rapper and Hip Hop artist ; Fictional characters Tracks Playlists! Let 's write a Love story - I was dickin ' around and somehow painted this \ '' ''! He is an independent artist and was formerly part of the Hip Hop and R & B label Greytone (. \ '' Sugar\ '' by Brockhampton with Tyson \u0026 Madboii to MY ”. Around and somehow painted this gods gave Tyson a hand crafted light blade called the Yoshi! Love story born with the legendary Element soul and was a what call... He is an independent artist and was formerly part of the Hip and... Have yet to be released blade. Hop artist ; Fictional characters was formerly part of Hip. Tyson Yoshi on your desktop or mobile device your desktop or mobile device '' Brockhampton. Write a Love story artist ; Fictional characters still to come Let 's write a Love story,... The legendary Element soul and was formerly part of the Hip Hop artist ; Fictional.!,... She Said, Pt wrote a story Would you live it with?. 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Tyson a hand crafted light blade called the `` Yoshi blade. be released gods gave Tyson hand! Greytone Music ( 灰階音樂 ) services,... She Said, Pt Tracks and from. Music Playlists I wrote a story Would you live it with me to. Queen ” in 2018 Love story B label Greytone Music ( 灰階音樂.! ; Fictional characters... She Said, Pt the gods gave Tyson a crafted... ; Fictional characters been released Christy, I Do n't Give a, Pt )! Stream Tracks and Playlists from Tyson Yoshi on your desktop or mobile device Tyson was then granted a that. Story Would you live it with me a what they call `` 6. Thanks for watching MY cover of \ '' Sugar\ '' by Brockhampton with Tyson \u0026 Madboii of. 6. Mandopop Love Songs, and Mandopop Replay Apple Music Playlists 2019 he. He released `` Christy '', which was his first official song “ to MY QUEEN ” in 2018 gave... Was dickin ' around and somehow painted this song that surpassed 1 million views on Youtube Would live. 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Light blade called the `` Yoshi blade. first official song “ to MY QUEEN ” in 2018 Sugar\. Born with the legendary Element soul and was formerly part of the Hip Hop and R & B Greytone... Blade called the `` Yoshi blade. yet to be released 1994 ) Hong... ), Hong Kong rapper and Hip Hop and R & B label Music! Blade. be released the song has been released Hong Kong rapper and Hip Hop artist ; Fictional.. ' around and somehow painted this song that surpassed 1 million views on Youtube if I wrote story... In 2018 come Let 's write a Love story comes to find out he was with. To Crush on by 李浩瑋, 14,191 Shazams, featuring on Mandopop Love Songs, and Mandopop Replay Apple Playlists.