She winced as she stood, and glanced up into blue eyes that gave every indication he could read her mind. What was going on behind those fantastic eyes, she couldn't say, but Pete's jaw must have dropped a mile. His eyes flashed with humor, but it was gone before it could reach his lips. Surely she couldn't be expected to commute that kind of distance on a regular basis. He had enough alcohol in his veins to believe he could drive, and too much pride to leave the party in the passenger seat. Could I borrow a pencil? Could is also used with this meaning with verbs of seeing, noticing, understanding, etc: I could see there was something wrong. Still, if she could get into that building and find out, it might ease her mind. His life was such that no man could ever say, "Ben Franklin has wronged me.". When I said you were the father, you couldn't believe it. Sure, she could be mule headed, and sometimes she was moody, but was she that bad? I know I could get mugged, but that could happen in the hospital parking lot if I was driving a car. To make suggestions Example: "We could go out for awhile, if you like." In any case, there was nothing that couldn't wait to be discussed at home. His smile was so disarming that she couldn't help smiling back. If you have used “be” in a sentence where “will” is used positively, then you simply add the negative word, “not” after “will”. But they were in great numbers, and the Champion could not shout much because he had to save his breath for fighting. After the negative sentences, the not How to use should in English sentences DOWNLOAD ALL THE GRAMMAR LESSONS IN ONE CLICK! Could it grow strong enough to make her forget about those who depended on her? She started to get up so she could lead him to their bedroom, but he tugged her back down to the window seat. What would be different this time was the fact that he couldn't deny the babies were his - that and the fact that this time she had no uterus to lose. They slid down the hill a ways until they could stand without being seen. In this sense, could refers to some ability that someone had in the past. It is interesting to note that both the sentences end with a question mark. 1. She's got a sharp tongue, but she could make shoe soles taste like fine steak. Destiny followed her and Carmen pulled the chair beside her out so she could crawl into it. Here are some examples of using should and shouldn’t to ask for and give advice and suggestions: “I’ve had a really bad headache for the past week.” Could you have foreseen that the advent of a technology called "air conditioning" in homes would alter the social fabric of the nation? Still, there was one question she couldn't ask the townspeople. She gripped him around the waist, wishing she could crush the breath from him. Hi. How long did he think he could hide them - or avoid them, for that matter? Could I have the check? "Could" is a modal verb used to express possibility or past ability as well as to make suggestions and requests. 2. In the first sentence, could denotes ability, while in the second one it indicates the possibility. I always heard marriage could break up a good friendship. She couldn't have been more awake before she left the house. Or, we could throw our saddles on the mules and use the rest for pack animals. Till last year I could read without glasses. Could you repeat that? It appears before the predicate to show what the sentence is about, or what performs the action. I'll find out, anyway, but you could save us both some time if you tell me now. Being close enough so that she could attend college while living at home had been their rationalization, but she suspected they were also trying to stimulate her social life. It wasn't something that could be denied. When to Use “A” in a Sentence. (I accompany this with the appropriate ‘yucky’ gesture, which usually gets a laugh.) Thank you so much for your help … may god bless you with more .. :) Tinka says. No doubt he didn't like being reminded that her dream could only be achieved by unnatural methods. I couldn't stay here," she stuttered. She could not stop those balls from rolling round. I'll take you for a ride through more country in a day than you could hope to walk in a week. Follow edited Jun 7 '11 at 2:36. Besides, after he inherited, he could always put someone in charge of the estate. Actually, I could make guesses, but they might well be spectacularly wrong and a guy doesn't want that haunting him ten years from now. All Len wants out of me is information about Allen, and Howard couldn't care less where I am. As much evidence as there was to the contrary, she couldn't believe Yancey was involved in drugs. When you use "i.e." Directing Connie to the house would be difficult, but Lisa could wait at the end of the drive. A soft breeze carried a faint familiar odor, but it was gone before she could identify it. So, if we had the wings, and could escape the Gargoyles, we might fly to that rock and be saved. Maybe she could get a little rest while they waited. You could have bought the cheaper jacket, it looked great on you. Len was the only one left she could trust, and she couldn't tell him anything without implicating Yancey. If she could get to her telephone, she could call someone for help. I would not have left them out of my will - I could not. It refers to past time only when the context makes the time clear. An answer was impossible, even if she could stop coughing long enough. “Must have been” is used to express an assumption, or an opinion that you gathered from a logical guess. Having skied in such an ermine-lined resort, a return to the brutal shoving of Europe's lift lines couldprove a bruising experience. Swift could not bear to be present at the end, but on the night of her death he began to write his The Death of Mrs Johnson. How could they get away, leaving such a trail? What are modal verbs? How could she blame him for wanting to smile? This is the most difficult use of suggest for English learners to understand, so take some time to read this part … My father couldn't do anything about his health. You could have been killed today, you know that? If they served something she couldn't eat, she'd feign illness. The only way he could have known was by asking Mrs. Hertz. Maybe you could even talk him into going to the doctor - or at least calling the doctor. But not a trace could they find of the tiny creature they sought. Here are some examples. If God thought it was wrong, nothing we could have done would have been successful. (When I was 20 I could play the Saxophone.) If life had taught her anything it was that she could take care of herself. With so many people at their house, it was fortunate that the weather was warm and dry so they could utilize the courtyard for the children. Follow edited Jun 7 '11 at 2:36. Instead, we use “would like.” This is just one of many uses for the modal “would” in everyday speech. To use "yet" in a sentence, put it at the end of a sentence to describe something that hasn't happened. 2. June 13, 2017 at 3:58 am. Even if he was a Mormon, how could he make plans with this Darcie when he had proposed to her only an hour ago? When determining how best to punctuate a sentence, there are a few rules or guidelines that should be followed: Rule 1: If the sentence starts with an introductory element, a comma should come after that element. When I was young, I could swim. You can’t only say a sentence like the ones above alone. All the money in the world couldn't have saved her. "Get out," she said with as much authority as she could muster. And I'm glad I could be there when you needed me. Why couldn't she feel the same excitement about him? She could have left then, and might have if curiosity hadn't gotten the best of her. How could anyone who loved so thoroughly be guilty of the things she suspected? He said I could spend his money with a clear conscience. Watching the two of them, it was all she could do to control her own tears... especially knowing that this was at least partly her fault. We also use them to make requests or ask permission to do something. at the top of his voice. So isn't it just possible that it could end ignorance, disease, poverty, hunger, and war? A person couldn't avoid fate, but they could control the way they responded to it. He held her without speaking, probably sensing there was little he could say to make her feel better. She pushed him back, speaking as firmly as she could without talking loud enough for the children to hear. If he thought he could terrorize her, he had another think coming. We don’t use don’t / doesn’t / didn’t with could: He couldn’t lift that. People will advise you to write all sorts of sentences. He could have been a doctor. There could be a number of reasons that Sarah would welcome her as a daughter-in-law, not the least of which was the goings-on down that path. 2. I guess the way I've acted... not telling you things - what else could you think? If I had this, I could do that. CK 1 2241060 We could die. You can’t only say a sentence like the ones above alone. Alex and Jonathan wanted to help decorate, but there were some basic things that could be done. means its ok with the use of could to some extent i confuse generally . How could he do such a thing to his own children? The neighbors couldn't see into any of their windows, and they were far enough off the main road that the only traffic would be people coming to see them. He would help you if he could. Turning the thermometer up will cause the heat in the room to intensify, providing warmth during the winter months. The Zero Conditional – “If + present form + present form” “If you heat ice, it melts.” In this type of conditional sentence, you could use when instead of if. I knew because he proved to me that I could trust him with my heart and soul - the way you trust your mother and father. Indeed, my friends and relatives sometimes doubted whether I could be taught. Could she make it across the lava field by herself? She had always been a recluse at heart, often declining a social outing with her friends so that she could be alone with a book or her writing. Her greatest concern was whether she could manage such a large house on her own. He grabbed her waist before she could back away, and pulled her into his arms. “You should start your homework.” “Yeah, I should (start my homework).” You can’t add verb endings. After modal verbs we use the infinitive form without to. She said she couldn't tolerate his moods. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Content: Could Vs Would. No, nothing could explain the exchange she witnessed. Sometimes weird things like that happen. Could he actually be involved in anything less than honest? 1. The sudden rush into space confused them so that they could not think. If I could use your phone, Mrs. Giddon, I'll see if I can find someone to come get me. Could I help you? 5. We use the modal verbs can, could and would to offer to do things for people or to invite them to do something. Could use it to talk about our past talents, possibilities, and skills that have been going on for a while. 175+94 sentence examples: 1. As soon as she retrieved her purse and clothes, she could call Connie to come get her. He and Sarah had done far more for her than could have been expected. If he caught her in the woods, she could say she was looking for wild flowers. Then the verb is implied in the modal sentence. Ken may well be glad about the result of … She could not have read the letter as she did not even know it had arrived. Comparison Chart; Definition ; Key Differences; Examples; How to remember the difference; Comparison Chart. "Could" Could I help you? My parents at once determined to take me to Baltimore to see if anything could be done for my eyes. The police are certain to get him in the end wherever he may go. He could not resist looking at them once more. Example Sentences for "may" Use may in a sentence. When Alex approached Carmen about giving Tessa some money, she said it was up to him, but keep in mind that the issue could have been something like drugs. When you're talking about the future, you have to use "be able to": Do you think you'll be able to remember all of that for the test? She could feel the blood drain from her face. I couldn't help but hear you two last night. Their differences couldn't be merely heritage. The other indefinite article is "a." Scientists soon realized that the water strider's hydrophobic legs and undersides, coupled with its small size, are what keep it from … Using ‘could’ as a modal verb in the past. CK 1 2245662 I could walk. Punctuation in Sentences – How to Use It Correctly. Loud music tends to perturb my elderly grandparents. Use SHOULD and SHOULDN’T for advice. Could we have a spoon? a) can b) could *c) were able to d) aren't able to Attention: There is no difference between them when used in a negative sentence. He could see I was getting serious, and he was afraid you would draw me away from my work. Yes; a wicked witch enchanted her, so she could not rule her kingdom. At his affirmative nod, she hurried to her room and changed into jeans and sneakers before he could change his mind. June 12, 2017 at 1:55 pm. A spiked drink might seem harmless, but if a person was taking certain prescription drugs, it could be dangerous. A subject is one of the two main parts of a sentence. ! Her hair was drawn back severely into a bun and she had black eyes that could render a lie detector machine obsolete. You could wear a feed sack at a formal dinner and not look underdressed. CK 1 2245235 Could we sit? If anything could take her mind off the worry of surrogacy, he could. Could you have Howard look into his record? Black figures flitted about before the fire, and through the incessant crackling of the flames talking and shouting could be heard. But he was kind and gentle only to those of his regiment, to Timokhin and the like--people quite new to him, belonging to a different world and who could not know and understand his past. Surely it couldn't be as bad as Giddon had indicated. And yet, if he was involved in something illegal, they could have nothing together. Examples of Intensify in a sentence. Maybe she could act like she didn't notice it was him. Polite word used to ask for permission or to request something (in the present) 1. Could is similar to Can and often replaces Can in the past tense (though not always)1. I coulddo a 180 heelflip over a median, that's what I'd do in front of girls. Oh, I guess Zeb could fight if he had to. " It could be cooler in here with an air conditioner. " I think you should call her and tell her you’re sorry.” Use COULD and COULDN’T for ability in the past Could and couldn’t are the past forms of can and can’t: When I was younger, I could run a mile in 7 minutes. It’s definitely not ‘B’ or ‘D.’” To make a polite request Examples: “Could you please move this box?” “Could you please pass that paper?” You shoulded. Level: beginner We use can and can't to talk about someone's skill or general abilities: We use can and can't to talk about the ability to do something at a specific time in the present or future: We use could and couldn't to talk about the past: Level: intermediate We use could have to say that someone had the ability or opportunity to do something, but did not do it: could anyone tell me how to use anche and neanche in a sentence specifically their position? 18. I've been through this so many times I could do it in my sleep. I like the idea of burying the supplies, but I don't think the Indians would be fooled if we buried everything – even if we could. Could you do me a favor? “Good sentences don’t start with He/She/They.” That’s a lesson that, according to a Twitter post, a teacher recently passed on to a child. CK 1 2245659 I could help. He didn't like a police officer there – or her leaving with him, but what could he say? Señor Medena was watching Alex, but from the corner of her eye Carmen could see Alex was looking out the window. :) Share. Bordeaux said he couldn't get you to come back with him, but I guess he was wrong. It couldn't have been more than a few seconds, but it seemed much longer. I wish I could swim. How could you not know, when he invited you to go see his parents? It could be Nelly’s journal.” “Could ‘A’ be the answer? To express, forcefully, what someone must do Example: "You could speak up!" Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant? He's a big horse, but I couldn't make him carry the two of us in that terrain. she said. Yes, I can see how those sentences could be spoken in a flat tone, but personally, I use the voice inflection of a question by preference when I say them! I hope that this answer could help you a lot! How could anyone be right 100% of the time? Who could say what might have been if the smallest thing had been different in their lives? When Morino rode far enough ahead so that he couldn't hear their conversation, Carmen finally spoke to Alex. As soon as she said it she wished she could take it back. Many of the sentences have audio, too. Because of the great financial difficulties, John couldn't / wasn't able to finish his university education. Could I park my car here? Alondra leaned forward on the couch so she could see Carmen. Could I sit on the aisle? I write this sentence under THEN. For example, In high school, I could dunk a basketball. In the open space between the clouds and the black, bubbling sea far beneath, could be seen an occasional strange bird winging its way swiftly through the air. I could have... would have been more of a comfort. Could I use your pencil? Technically, would is the past tense of will, but it is an auxiliary verb that has many uses, some … They couldn't leave here soon enough as far as she was concerned. How could she blame him if he wanted to call the marriage off? Sentence Examples. I had to bring you here so I could paint a portrait. She might have lost the baby anyway, but the way he treated her couldn't have helped. Aunt Clara and Uncle George couldn't find enough good things to say about you. sir i m much confused in the use of could ..especially use of could in past ..would u plz clarify me with following sentences .. it could be more cleared !! Bad science fiction plots, speculating on futures which could not really happen, are the worst examples of this. If the name of the park was used in the sentence, you don’t need to use “the”: ... You could use “the” if the name of the park wasn’t mentioned: “They went for a stroll around the local park.”: ) Rosh says. She could have been famous but she did not want to. She could have administered CPR until the ambulance arrived. The look of hatred on the young man’s face would only intensify the moment he laid eyes on his brother’s killer. We use COULD to talk about abilities, possibilities in the past or formal request as: I COULD swim when I was younger I COULD go out las night but I prefer stay at home COULD you help please? Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. So in the meantime those lessons on safe use of mobiles could be a wise move. See a translation Report copyright infringement; Answers When you "disagree" with an answer. To express, forcefully, what someone must do Example: "You could speak up!" Would, should and could are three auxiliary verbs that can be defined as past tenses of will, shall, and can; however, you may learn more from seeing sentences using these auxiliaries than from definitions.Examples of usage follow. Apparently time had caught up with Mom before she could finish. 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